Jungle Genius, Oviedo, FL
Virtual Assistant/Chatbot Engineer

Without having any prior experience with ML tools, I accepted position with Jungle Genius where I solely designed, developed, customized, and implemented a complete AI Chabot tool for an opioid crisis portal implementing C#, PHP, JavaScript, JSON and NodeJS. Comfortable of being the “go to” with the ability to “figure it out.” there should never be an answer of “we can’t do that” for any request. I am outgoing, upbeat, and positive with excellent communication, analytical, and relationship building skills. I have also led, mentored, and trained others periodically for cumulative 8 years. Below are additional qualifications:
• In-depth background analyzing business requirements and recommending appropriate technologies.
• Fluent understanding and experience with project management, software development life cycle (SDLC) and the technical tools required.
• Extensive development of Data ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
• Strong knowledge of technical specifications, workflow development, risk management, and QA

Deloitte Consulting LLP, Lake Mary, FL
• Developed client specific Excel VBA macros for mass data RPA processing. Trained staff (20) on best -practice development and management procedures of macro development. Increased throughput by optimizing standardization, training and streamlining of procedures.

Neno Research Inc., Altamonte Springs, FL
Lead Software Engineer
• Led and spearheaded the SO Registry ETL and aggregation application to allow immediate, real-time search of over1, 000, 000 registered adult offenders nation-wide.
• Migration of SOR project into bulk, batch harvesting of all registered adult offenders nationwide.
• This project replaced the Experian data services previously utilized by GIS while providing more robust and accurate data.
• Lead and trained the ETL team providing secured confidential data to clients.
• Created Dexter/GIS Quality Control system which is a series of inter-related applications to monitor, analyze, report any anomalies and suggest course of action for all 400+ running Dexter/GIS automated jurisdiction background scraping operations.
• Developed Clone-Search Tool to allow developers to replicate a specific search in a timeline.
• Created Alt-Names Database Creator: Accommodating the Dexter name Explosion program, application to analyze all >100M records and provide unlimited permutations of search name via a linked list structure for referral on future searches
• This eliminated the need to re-process any existing offender name. SoundEx and Check Sum algorithms were also implemented.
• Created Wisconsin State Criminal Data Extractor - Real time background checking for state of WI using REST API

Workforce of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
MS Access/Excel/Database/Application Developer

• Completed design and deployment of MS Access application to allow entry of time sheet data to be exported for payroll purposes for Workforce Summer Youth Program
• Design and deployment of MS Access application to import and aggregate, cleanse, normalize, and archive survey data provided by third party (QuestionPro.com, VBA for Access and Excel)
• Application converted flat and 3+ worksheet Excel workbooks to a usable normalized 1-to-many relationship database.
• Application also reconciled above collected open summer employment positions with eligible youth candidates.
• Provided utilities for administration to query and assign employment openings and generate reports.
Environment: MS Access/Excel VBA, RPA. ETL

Sprint/Nextel, Maitland, FL
• Single-handedly redesigned and implemented previously existing South Region Network News Notification tool to reach National post-merger Sprint/Nextel level. Procedure included proprietary data merging and various enhancements to allow utility to operate on a national level while encompassing all required elements from pre -merger entities. Reworked to nationally used application.